Not a blade of grass on the practice field, but a smattering of weeds thrive in the outfield. A layer of dirt coated our clothes, shoes, teeth and lungs by the end of practice, so we caravanned with our QB's family to the favorite pizzeria to rinse with cold birre.
No practice Tuesday so Mel and Luis showed me around Catania. Luis and I entered the San Agata Duomo a safe distance from Mel to observe the masterful paintings and architecture of this jumbo-church. When Mel whispered he might be the answer to the prayers of a beautiful young woman kneeling reverently in front of the altar, I suggested God probably had other plans for him.
The dry air in the Duomo parched our throats so we proceeded to the team bar to share our observations, feelings, hopes and dreams, and Mel's new political party affiliation. Notice the picture of the Pope above the bar, smiling in approval.
The dry air in the Duomo parched our throats so we proceeded to the team bar to share our observations, feelings, hopes and dreams, and Mel's new political party affiliation. Notice the picture of the Pope above the bar, smiling in approval.
After returning home for the evening, we basked in the exhilaration of another glorious day in Catania, sipping a variety of fine Italian wines until about 4:00 a.m., when I suddenly and unexplainably fell backwards out of my chair -- most likely as a result of a defective chair and an over-waxed floor our landlord will hear about when my Sicilian lawyer calls. I must have suffered a severe concussion from the fall because I woke this morning with a pounding headache.
Fundo Bianco, ah the memories!